The new year is finally in full swing and I have been slow as to start this new year. It seems that I'm doing exactly the same shit as what I was doing last January and February.

The music that has come out so far this year is a little different though. So far I have this gut feeling that this is going to be a better year musically than last year. So in my opinion there is a lot to look forward to.

I have picked up on a few hidden gems out that has surfaced recently. Guys like Big K.R.I.T and Schoolboy Q just to name a few. Fairly new artists that bring another viewpoint and message to this music genre that we love so much.

I am first a beatlover, lyrics comes secondary. If it wasn't for the beat then there would just be boring acappellas without no rhythm. It is the beat that communicates with your body saying, "Hey look here man come on, get down and boogie with me".

Your life surely has a soundtrack, which one is your theme song? I have too many to mention. But one song does stand out. Taken from his debut solo album, No More Glory, MJG's Good Damn Man, is my theme song.

When I think about my life and what people's recent opinions about me, Good Damn Man wins hands down as my theme song. It describes my struggles and my triumphs. 

I personally cannot go without music for a whole week. Its like my drug, it keeps me going. And it has to be as LOUD as possible. Loud music brings people together to have a good time and reminisce about good times past, present and the future.

When the webmaster and owner of comes down to Cape Town we always have a music listening session. Loud music and fine wine goes together. Now and again we will throw a chop on the fire and enjoy the music. 

Next time go look and see if you can find your theme song for the life that you have lived.

If you can read this, thank a teacher!